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*ACC Micro...
*AMD . . . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Chips & Technologies...
**CS8233   PEAK/386 AT (Cached)     (82C311/82C315/82C316)     c:Dec90

o   100% IBM PC AT Cache based 386/AT Compatible CHIPSet
o   Supports 16, 20, 25 and 33 MHz 80386DX based Systems
o   Independent clock to support correct AT bus timing
o   Flexible architecture allows usage in any iAPX 386 design
o   A complete 386/AT Cache based PC AT now requires only 19 IC's 
    plus memory
o   Integrates Cache Directory and CPU/Cache/DRAM Controller on a 
    single chip to provide PEAK integration and PEAK performance.
o   Integrated CPU/Cache/DRAM Controller enhances 80386DX CPU and 
    memory system performance
    - Averages to nearly zero wait state memory access
    - Zero wait state non-pipelines read hit access
    - Zero wait state non-pipelined write access
    - Buffered-write through DRAM update scheme to minimize write 
      cycle penalty
    - Cache hit rate up to 99%
o   Supports 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB two-way set associative cache 
    - 32 byte line size
    - 4 byte sub-line size with associative valid bit
    - Support blocks (of variable size - 4KB to 4M) of main memory 
      as non-cacheable
      address space
    - Supports caching of data and code
o   Tightly coupled 80386DX interface
    - Deigned to interface directly with the 80386DX
    - Supports 16, 20, 25 and 33MHz operation
    - Integrated support for 80387DX a Weitek 3167 coprocessor
o   Flexible memory architecture to support:
    - Memory configurations up to 128 MB
    - Programmable DRAM wait states
    - 256K, 1MB, and 4MB DRAMs in configurations of up to 4 blocks 
      and 8 banks
    - Staggered RAS during refresh
    - Hidden refresh and burst refresh
    - 256K/512K/1M PROMs
o   Supports shadowing of BIOS EPROMs

**CS8236   386/AT                   (82C301/2/3/4/5/6/206)         c86...
**CS8237   TURBO CACHE-BASED 386/AT (82C301/7/3/4/5/6/206)         c86...
**CS8238   CHIPS/280 & 281 (386 MCA)(82C321/322/325/223/226)   c:Aug89...
**CS82310  PEAK/DM 386 AT           (82C351/82C355/82C356)         c91...
**CS8281   NEATsx (386SX)           (82C811/812/215/206)       c:Dec89...
**CS8283   LeAPset-sx               (82C841/82C242/82C636)     c:Mar90...
**CS8285   PEAKsx                   (82C836/82C835)                c91...
**CS8288   CHIPSlite-sx             (82C836/82C641/82C835)          c?...
**CS4000   WinCHIPS                 (64200/84021/84025)            c92...
**CS4021   ISA/486                  (84021/84025)                  c92...
**CS4031   CHIPSet                  (84031/84035)              5/10/93...
**CS4041/5 CHIPSet                  (84041/84045)              2/10/95...
**CB8291   ELEAT                    [no datasheet]                 c90...
**CB8295   ELEATsx                  [no datasheet]                 c90...
**82C100   IBM PS/2 Model 30/Super XT                                ?...
**82C110   IBM PS/2 Model 30/Super XT                                ?...
**82C235   Single Chip AT (SCAT)                                   c89...
**82C836   Single Chip 386sx (SCATsx)                              <91...
**F8680/A  PC/CHIP Single-Chip PC                                  c93...
**Support Chips:
**64200    (Wingine) High Performance 'Windows Engine'         c:Oct91...
**82C206   Integrated Peripheral Controller                        c86...
**82C601/A Single Chip Peripheral Controller                 <08/30/90...
**82C607   Multifunction Controller                             <Jun88...
**82C710   Universal Peripheral Controller                     c:Aug90...
**82C711   Universal Peripheral Controller II                  c:Jan91...
**82C712   Universal Peripheral Controller II                  c:Jan91...
**82C721   Universal Peripheral Controller III                 c:May93...
**82C735   I/O Peripheral Controller With Printgine            c:Jul93...
**82C835   Single CHIP 386sx AT Cache Controller               c:Apr91...
**F87000   Multi-Mode Peripheral Chip                         11/23/93...
*Contaq  . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Efar Microsystems [no datasheets, some info]...
*Forex . . . . . . [List only, no datasheets found]...
**82384       Clock Generator and Reset Interface                  c86
**82385       32-bit Cache Controller for 80386               09/29/87...
**82385SX     32-bit Cache Controller for 80386SX             01/25/89...
**82395DX     High Performance Smart Cache                    06/18/90...
**82395SX     Smart Cache                                     12/17/90...
**82396SX     Smart Cache                                     12/17/90...
**82485       Turbo Cache (and 485Turbocache)                      c90...
**82489DX       Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller    10/12/92...
**82495DX/490DX DX CPU-Cache Chip Set                           <Sep91...
**82495XP/490XP Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for i860)       06/05/91...
**82496/491     Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for P5 Pentium) 03/22/93...
**82497/492   Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for P54 Pentium)    <Nov94...
**82498/493   Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for P54 Pentium)    <Nov94...
**Later chipsets (basic spec):
**440 series:...
**450NX  (?)            06/29/98:...
**?????  (Profusion)    c:99...
**800 series...
*HMC (Hulon Microelectronics)...
*PC CHIPS/Amptron/Atrend/ECS/Elpina/etc...
*TI (Texas Instruments)...
**UM82C***     (IBM/INTEL Direct replacement)                      c87
Note:  Dates vary  for when  these  chips were  first available.   Two
databooks have been used one from  '86 the other from '91. Not all the
chips  are  listed  in  the  '86  databook, the  date  of  '87  is  an

IBM:	      UMC:	  Desc:
Intel 8284    UM82C84A    25MHz CMOS Clock Generator and Driver
Intel 8288    UM82C88     Bus Controller
Intel 8259    UM8259A     Programmable Interrupt Controller also UM82C59A-2 (CMOS version)
Intel 8237    UM8237A     3-5MHz Programmable DMA Controller (DMAC)
Intel 8253    UM8253*2    2.6-5MHz Programmable Interval Timer
Intel 8255    UM82C55A*   Programmable Peripheral Interface

Note: *  indicates: possible  compatibility, datasheet does  not state
      explicitly. YMMV.

Note: *2  indicates:   The   UM8253   can   be   replaced   with   the
      UM82C54/-2. The datasheet says it is a superset of the 8253, and
      works up to 10MHz. Also it's compatible with the 8254.  AT: IBM:
      UMC: Desc: Intel 82284  UM82C284* 10-12.5MHz Clock Generator and
      Ready Interface Intel 82288  UM82C288* 10-12.5MHz Bus Controller
      Intel 8254  UM82C54/-2 8-10MHz CMOS Programmable  Interval Timer
      Intel  8259  UM8259A   Programmable  Interrupt  Controller  also
      UM82C59A-2 (CMOS version) Intel 8237 UM8237A 3-5MHz Programmable
      DMA Controller (DMAC) 74LS612 UM74HCT612* Memory Mapper MC146818
      RTC  UM82C6818* Real-Time  Clock (RTC)  Intel 8047  ??  Keyboard

Note: *  indicates: possible  compatibility, datasheet does  not state
explicitly. YMMV.

**UM82C088     PC/XT Integration Chip                              <91...
**UM82C230     286AT MORTAR Chip Set                               <91...
**UM82C210     386SX/286 AT Chip Set                               <91...
**UM82C3xx     Twinstar & UM82C336F/N & UM82C39x [no datasheet]      ?...
**UM82C380     386 HEAT PC/AT Chip Set                             <91...
**UM82C480     386/486 PC Chip Set                                 c91
The UMC82C480  is a highly  integrated, IBM PC/AT compatible  chip set
for  high performance  80386/80486  based  personal computer  systems.
Built with  exquisite [yes  it really says  that] cache  controller in
advanced   1.0um   CMOS   technology,  UM82C481   (Integrated   Memory
Controller, IMC),  UM82C482 (Integrated System Controller,  ISC), with
UM82C206 (Integrated  Peripheral Controller, IPC), and  limited counts
of  commercial parts  constitute  a low  cost,  highly reliable,  full
advanced feature personal computer system.

The UM82C482,  Integrated System  Controller (ISC),  is part  of UMC's
high  performance 80386/80486  PC/AT  chip set.   It  contains AT  bus
control  logic, data  bus  conversion logic,  CPU  reset logic,  clock
generation  for  CPU,  keyboard   and  timer,  DMA/refresh  logic  and
peripheral  interface logic.   Incorporated with  UM82C481, integrated
Memory   Controller  (IMC),   and   UM82C206,  Integrated   Peripheral
Controller (IPC),  ISC provides  system control functions  for overall
PC/AT computer system.

The UM82C481,  Integrated Memory  Controller (IMC),  is part  of UMC's
high performance 80386/80486 PC/AT chip set. It contains sophisticated
direct-mapped  cache controller  with write  back operation,  and fast
page  mode DRAM  controller.  Incorporated  with UM82C482,  Integrated
System   Controller  (ISC),   and   UM82C206,  Integrated   Peripheral
Controller (IPC), IMC provides main memory management function for the
PC/AT computer system.


UM82C482 Integrated System Controller (ISC)
UM82C481 Integrated Memory Controller (IMC)
UM82C206 Integrated Peripheral Controller, IPC

Known Versions:


No idea how these differ to the original.
**UM82C493/491 ??????????????? [no datasheet]                        ?...
**UM8498/8496  486 VL Chipset  "Super Energy Star Green"[no dsheet]c94...
**UM8881/8886  HB4 PCI Chipset "Super Energy Star Green"[no dsheet]c94...
**UM8890       Pentium chipset [no datasheet]                        ?...
**Support Chips:
**UM82152      Cache Controller (AUStek A38152 clone)              <91...
**UM82C852     Multi I/O For XT                                    <91...
**UM82C206     Integrated Peripheral Controller                    <91
**UM82c45x     Serial/Parallel chips                                 ?...
**Other chips:...
**A - D...
**E - G...
**H - I...
**J - R...
**T - Z...
**SL9XXX   FlexSet family General information...
**SL9011   System Controller (80286/80386SX/DX, 16/20/25MHz)    <Jan90
o   AT System Control Logic.
o   Supports 80286, 803868X (P9), or 80386DX-based Designs.
o   Up to 25 MHz Performance.
o   Clock Switching and Reset Logic.
o   Programmable Wait States for 8 Bit AT Cycles.
o   Generates all Essential Clock Signals for PCs.
o   Synchronous Options.
o   Refresh/DMA Arbitration.
o   Numerical Coprocessor Support for 80287, 80387SX, 80387DX and
    Weitek Coprocessor.
o   Ready Generation Logic.
o   Generates Data, Address, Direction and Enable Controls.
o   Advanced ALE Generation.
o   Advance CMOS Technology.
o   100 pin Flatpack.

**SL9020   Data Controller                                      <Jan90...
**SL9025   Address Controller                                   <Jan90...
**SL9030   Integrated Peripheral Controller                     <Jan90...
**SL9090/A Universal PC/AT Clock Chip                           <oct88...
**SL9095   Power  Management Unit                                    ?...
**SL9151   80286 Page Interleave Memory Controller (16-25MHz)        ?...
**SL9250   80386SX Page Mode Memory Controller (16/20MHz 8MB)        ?...
**SL9251   80386SX Page Interleave Memory Controller         <04/13/90...
**SL9252   80386SX System and Memory Controller              <06/12/90...
**SL9350   80386DX Page Mode Memory Controller (16-25MHz 16MB)       ?...
**SL9351   80386DX Page Interleave Memory Controller (33MHz)         ?...
**SL9352   80386DX System and Memory Controller              <06/12/90...
**SLXXXX   Other chips...
**VT82C470     "Jupiter", Chip Set (w/o cache) 386 [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C475     "Jupiter", Chip Set (w/cache) 386   [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C486/2/3 "GMC chipset"            [no datasheet, some info]    ?...
**VT82C495/480 "Venus" Chip Set                    [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C495/491 ? EISA Chip Set          [no datasheet, some info]  <93...
**VT82C496G    Pluto, Green PC 80486 PCI/VL/ISA System       <05/30/94...
**VT82C530MV   3.3V Pentium chipset [no datasheet, some info]<05/30/94...
**VT82C570M    Apollo Master, Green Pentium/P54C             <06/22/95...
**VT82C580VP   Apollo VP,  Pentium/M1/K5 PCI/ISA System      <02/15/96...
**VT82C580VPX  Apollo VPX, VPX/97, Pentium with 66/75MHz Bus <01/09/97...
**VT82C590     Apollo VP2, VP2/97, Single-Chip Pentium 66MHz <01/10/97...
**VT82C597/AT  Apollo VP3, Single-Chip for Pentium with AGP  <10/03/97...
**VT82C598MVP  Apollo MVP3,Single-Chip 66/75/83/100MHz & AGP <09/22/97...
**VT8501       Apollo MVP4,Single-Chip 66-100MHz & AGP       <11/04/98...
**VT82C680     Apollo P6, Pentium-Pro Chip Set               <08/30/96...
**Support chips:
**VT82C505     Pentium/486 VL to PCI Bridge                  <05/30/94...
**VT82C586/A/B PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller          <10/13/96...
**VT82C596/A   Mobile PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller   <11/05/97...
**VT82C686A/B  PCI Super-I/O Integrated Peripheral Ctrl.     <02/10/98...
**Later P-Pro/II/III/Celeron...
**Later AMD...
*Western Digital...
*General Sources:...

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