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*Read Me/FAQ/General Info...
**Why this document is not GPL or a wiki
The document is copyright,  it is NOT GPL'ed text. While  the GPL is a
fantastic  idea, I  have chosen  not to  make this  freely copied  and
modified. The reasons are as follows:

1. GPL text tends to be  copied...EVERYWHERE. For example, if you look
   up a subject  on wikipedia, then try to get  more information, or a
   different perspective on  say about.com.  There you  find the EXACT
   SAME  TEXT.  This  is what  mirrors  are for.   It's an  unintended
   consequence,  but  it  can  lead  to  misinformation  being  spread
   everywhere. A bigger problem.

2. There seems to be fewer  and fewer informative websites. It used to
   be that  if you  searched for  something you  would find  a website
   about a particular  subject. Now you tend to  find the encyclopedia
   and often nothing else (well quickly).

In addition the majority of this text is quotes.

The wiki  concept is a good  idea, but they have  problems. Because no
one "owns" the  work they seem to  go to two extremes.   Either no one
maintains them, or there are edit wars. Also anyone can edit them.

**Definition of a chip set:...
**'chip set', 'chip-set' or 'chipset'?...
**What's not included:...
**Who made the first chip set?...
**Spelling errors/mistyped words...
**Info needed on:...
**A note on VESA support of 486 chipsets....
*ACC Micro...
**ACC2048    WB 486 Notebook/Embedded Single Chip [no datasheet]     ?
**ACC2051/NT PCI Single Chip Solution for Notebook Applications    c96...
**ACC2056    ?Pentium 3.3V Notebook               [no datasheet]<Jan96...
**ACC2057    PCI Notebook/Embedded Single Chip    [no datasheet]<Aug96...
**ACC2066NT  486 Notebook/Embedded Single Chip    [no datasheet]     ?...
**ACC2086    486 VL-based System Super Chip Soluti[no datasheet]     ?...
**ACC2087    Enhanced Super Chip (486 Single Chip)              <Aug96...
**ACC2089    486 PCI-based System Super Chip      [no datasheet]     ?...
**ACC2168/GT 32-bit 486 Green System Single Chip  [no datasheet]     ?...
**ACC2178A   32-bit 486 Green System Single Chip  [no datasheet]     ?...
**ACC2268    ?486                                 [no datasheet]     ?...
**ACC????    Maple/Maple-133 486-System-On-Chip   [no datasheet]     ?...
**Support Chips:
**ACC2016    Buffer and MUX Logic                                  c96...
**ACC2020    Power Management Chip                                 c92...
**ACC5500    Multifunction I/O Control Chip for PS2 Model 50/60    c88...
**Other chips...
*AMD . . . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Chips & Technologies...
*Contaq  . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
**82C693    PCI-ISA Bridge [no datasheet]                            ?
referenced in:http://web.mit.edu/netbsd/src/sys/dev/pci/pcidevs

*Efar Microsystems [no datasheets, some info]...
*Forex . . . . . . [List only, no datasheets found]...
*HMC (Hulon Microelectronics)...
*PC CHIPS/Amptron/Atrend/ECS/Elpina/etc...
*TI (Texas Instruments)...
**UM82C480     386/486 PC Chip Set                                 c91
**UM82C493/491 ??????????????? [no datasheet]                        ?...
**UM8498/8496  486 VL Chipset  "Super Energy Star Green"[no dsheet]c94...
**UM8881/8886  HB4 PCI Chipset "Super Energy Star Green"[no dsheet]c94...
**UM8890       Pentium chipset [no datasheet]                        ?...
**Support Chips:
**UM82152      Cache Controller (AUStek A38152 clone)              <91...
**UM82C852     Multi I/O For XT                                    <91...
**UM82C206     Integrated Peripheral Controller                    <91...
**UM82c45x     Serial/Parallel chips                                 ?...
**Other chips:...
**A - D...
**E - G...
**H - I...
**J - R...
**T - Z...
**SL9XXX   FlexSet family General information...
**SL9011   System Controller (80286/80386SX/DX, 16/20/25MHz)    <Jan90
**SL9020   Data Controller                                      <Jan90...
**SL9025   Address Controller                                   <Jan90...
**SL9030   Integrated Peripheral Controller                     <Jan90...
**SL9090/A Universal PC/AT Clock Chip                           <oct88...
**SL9095   Power  Management Unit                                    ?...
**SL9151   80286 Page Interleave Memory Controller (16-25MHz)        ?...
**SL9250   80386SX Page Mode Memory Controller (16/20MHz 8MB)        ?...
**SL9251   80386SX Page Interleave Memory Controller         <04/13/90...
**SL9252   80386SX System and Memory Controller              <06/12/90...
**SL9350   80386DX Page Mode Memory Controller (16-25MHz 16MB)       ?
**SL9351   80386DX Page Interleave Memory Controller (33MHz)         ?...
**SL9352   80386DX System and Memory Controller              <06/12/90...
**SLXXXX   Other chips...
**VT82C470     "Jupiter", Chip Set (w/o cache) 386 [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C475     "Jupiter", Chip Set (w/cache) 386   [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C486/2/3 "GMC chipset"            [no datasheet, some info]    ?...
**VT82C495/480 "Venus" Chip Set                    [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C495/491 ? EISA Chip Set          [no datasheet, some info]  <93...
**VT82C496G    Pluto, Green PC 80486 PCI/VL/ISA System       <05/30/94...
**VT82C530MV   3.3V Pentium chipset [no datasheet, some info]<05/30/94...
**VT82C570M    Apollo Master, Green Pentium/P54C             <06/22/95...
**VT82C580VP   Apollo VP,  Pentium/M1/K5 PCI/ISA System      <02/15/96...
**VT82C580VPX  Apollo VPX, VPX/97, Pentium with 66/75MHz Bus <01/09/97...
**VT82C590     Apollo VP2, VP2/97, Single-Chip Pentium 66MHz <01/10/97...
**VT82C597/AT  Apollo VP3, Single-Chip for Pentium with AGP  <10/03/97...
**VT82C598MVP  Apollo MVP3,Single-Chip 66/75/83/100MHz & AGP <09/22/97...
**VT8501       Apollo MVP4,Single-Chip 66-100MHz & AGP       <11/04/98...
**VT82C680     Apollo P6, Pentium-Pro Chip Set               <08/30/96...
**Support chips:
**VT82C505     Pentium/486 VL to PCI Bridge                  <05/30/94...
**VT82C586/A/B PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller          <10/13/96...
**VT82C596/A   Mobile PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller   <11/05/97...
**VT82C686A/B  PCI Super-I/O Integrated Peripheral Ctrl.     <02/10/98...
**Later P-Pro/II/III/Celeron...
**Later AMD...
*Western Digital...
*General Sources:...

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