[Home] [This version is outdated, a new version is here]
*Read Me/FAQ/General Info...
*ACC Micro...
*AMD . . . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Chips & Technologies...
*Contaq  . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Efar Microsystems [no datasheets, some info]...
*Forex . . . . . . [List only, no datasheets found]...
**HT18          80386SX Single Chip                            c:Sep91
**HT21          386SX/286 Single Chip (20 MHz)                 c:Aug91...
**HT22          386SX/286 Single Chip (25 MHz)                 c:Sep91...
**HT25          3-volt Core Logic for 386SX                    c:Dec92...
**HT35          Single-Chip Peripheral Controller [partial info]     ?...
**HTK320        386DX Chip Set                                 c:Sep91...
**HTK340        "Shasta" 486 Chip Set                          c:Jun92...
**Support Chips:
**HT44          Secondary Cache                                c:Jun92...
*HMC (Hulon Microelectronics)...
**82C601/2       Buffer Devices                                 <Nov94
**82C822         PCIB (VLB-to-PCI bridge)                         c:94...
*PC CHIPS/Amptron/Atrend/ECS/Elpina/etc...
You eventually get  to know when a  board is made by PC  Chips just by
looking at it.
Here is a test:
1.  No manufacture name, or one of the above.
2.  If the board has a lots of components that sound like a well known 
    part but aren't the well known part. i.e. 'HX Pro' instead of 
3a. A really good feature set where you think, that's exactly what I'm 
    looking for.
 b. The features don't really work as intended. 
4.  The price is fantastic.
5.  Its disappointing on closer examination.

PC Chips is  renowned for making crap products. Some  are actually not
too bad, they're no worse than  your average brand. However some are a
nightmare either by design or  just poorly made. Fake components glued
on is not  uncommon. Fake labels over other components.  PCB's so thin
they require low insertion force ISA connectors, every trick to save a
few $.

**Early Chipsets:...
**Later Chipsets:...
**950        LPC I/O                                         <07/16/99
**Athlon etc...
**SL82C360   'Haydn' 80386DX/SX chipset [no datasheet]         c:Jun91...
**SL82C460   'Haydn II' 80486 chipset   [no datasheet]         c:Jun91...
**SL82C470   'Mozart' 486/386 EISA chipset                     c:Dec91...
**SL82C490   'Wagner' 486?              [no datasheet]               ?...
**SL82C550   'Rossini' Pentium          [no datasheet]            c:95...
**Support Chips:
**SL82C365    Cache Controller (for 386DX/SX)                     c:91...
**SL82C465    Cache Controller (for 486/386DX/SX)                 c:91...
*TI (Texas Instruments)...
**SN74LS610/2 IBM AT: SN74LS610, SN74LS612 Memory Mappers          <84...
**TACT82000   3-Chip 286 [no datasheet]                            c89...
**TACT82411   Snake  Single-Chip AT Controller                     c90...
**TACT82S411  Snake+ Single-Chip AT Controller [no datasheet]      c91...
**TACT83000   AT 'Tiger' Chip Set (386)                            c89...
**TACT84500   AT Chip Set (486, EISA) [no datasheet, some info]    c91...
**UM82C***     (IBM/INTEL Direct replacement)                      c87...
**UM82C088     PC/XT Integration Chip                              <91...
**UM82C230     286AT MORTAR Chip Set                               <91...
**UM82C210     386SX/286 AT Chip Set                               <91...
**UM82C3xx     Twinstar & UM82C336F/N & UM82C39x [no datasheet]      ?...
**UM82C380     386 HEAT PC/AT Chip Set                             <91...
**UM82C480     386/486 PC Chip Set                                 c91...
**UM82C493/491 ??????????????? [no datasheet]                        ?...
**UM8498/8496  486 VL Chipset  "Super Energy Star Green"[no dsheet]c94...
**UM8881/8886  HB4 PCI Chipset "Super Energy Star Green"[no dsheet]c94...
**UM8890       Pentium chipset [no datasheet]                        ?...
**Support Chips:
**UM82152      Cache Controller (AUStek A38152 clone)              <91...
**UM82C852     Multi I/O For XT                                    <91...
**UM82C206     Integrated Peripheral Controller                    <91...
**UM82c45x     Serial/Parallel chips                                 ?...
**Other chips:...
**A - D...
**E - G...
**H - I...
**J - R...
**T - Z...
**SL9XXX   FlexSet family General information...
**SL9011   System Controller (80286/80386SX/DX, 16/20/25MHz)    <Jan90
**SL9020   Data Controller                                      <Jan90...
**SL9025   Address Controller                                   <Jan90...
**SL9030   Integrated Peripheral Controller                     <Jan90...
**SL9090/A Universal PC/AT Clock Chip                           <oct88...
**SL9095   Power  Management Unit                                    ?...
**SL9151   80286 Page Interleave Memory Controller (16-25MHz)        ?...
**SL9250   80386SX Page Mode Memory Controller (16/20MHz 8MB)        ?...
**SL9251   80386SX Page Interleave Memory Controller         <04/13/90...
**SL9252   80386SX System and Memory Controller              <06/12/90...
**SL9350   80386DX Page Mode Memory Controller (16-25MHz 16MB)       ?
**SL9351   80386DX Page Interleave Memory Controller (33MHz)         ?...
**SL9352   80386DX System and Memory Controller              <06/12/90...
**SLXXXX   Other chips...
**VT82C470     "Jupiter", Chip Set (w/o cache) 386 [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C475     "Jupiter", Chip Set (w/cache) 386   [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C486/2/3 "GMC chipset"            [no datasheet, some info]    ?...
**VT82C495/480 "Venus" Chip Set                    [no datasheet]    ?
**VT82C495/491 ? EISA Chip Set          [no datasheet, some info]  <93...
**VT82C496G    Pluto, Green PC 80486 PCI/VL/ISA System       <05/30/94...
**VT82C530MV   3.3V Pentium chipset [no datasheet, some info]<05/30/94...
**VT82C570M    Apollo Master, Green Pentium/P54C             <06/22/95...
**VT82C580VP   Apollo VP,  Pentium/M1/K5 PCI/ISA System      <02/15/96...
**VT82C580VPX  Apollo VPX, VPX/97, Pentium with 66/75MHz Bus <01/09/97...
**VT82C590     Apollo VP2, VP2/97, Single-Chip Pentium 66MHz <01/10/97...
**VT82C597/AT  Apollo VP3, Single-Chip for Pentium with AGP  <10/03/97...
**VT82C598MVP  Apollo MVP3,Single-Chip 66/75/83/100MHz & AGP <09/22/97...
**VT8501       Apollo MVP4,Single-Chip 66-100MHz & AGP       <11/04/98...
**VT82C680     Apollo P6, Pentium-Pro Chip Set               <08/30/96...
**Support chips:
**VT82C505     Pentium/486 VL to PCI Bridge                  <05/30/94...
**VT82C586/A/B PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller          <10/13/96...
**VT82C596/A   Mobile PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller   <11/05/97...
**VT82C686A/B  PCI Super-I/O Integrated Peripheral Ctrl.     <02/10/98...
**Later P-Pro/II/III/Celeron...
**Later AMD...
*Western Digital...
*General Sources:...

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