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Reformatting SCSI drive to different sector sizeI had some old IBM 1GB 0662 drives that were set to use a 524-byte sector size. PC's usually use 512-byte size. On some of the older ESDI drives this can be changed with a simple jumper on the drives PCB, but these fancy c:93 SCSI drives require you to send special SCSI commands to them. Fortunately Linux has something called the sg_utils, details on how to install it, and the utilities are included in the link. These are powerful utilities that will allow you to brick a drive so be careful. This should work for any drive that can do this. The -6 or --six options are not needed on more modern drives. Try it without, and if it complains then add it. First lets look at the format mode page: root@Darc~# sginfo -f -6 /dev/sdc Format Device mode page (0x3) ----------------------------- Tracks per Zone 5 Alternate sectors per zone 16 Alternate tracks per zone 0 Alternate tracks per lu 0 Sectors per track 105 Data bytes per physical sector 524 Interleave 1 Track skew factor 8 Cylinder skew factor 16 Supports Soft Sectoring 0 Supports Hard Sectoring 1 Removable Medium 0 Surface 0And now the actual format: root@Darc:~# sg_format --six --format --size=512 /dev/sdc IBMRAID 0662S129337 101B peripheral_type: disk [0x0] Mode Sense (block descriptor) data, prior to changes: Number of blocks=1998835 [0x1e7ff3] Block size=524 [0x20c] A FORMAT will commence in 10 seconds ALL data on /dev/sdc will be DESTROYED Press control-C to abort A FORMAT will commence in 5 seconds ALL data on /dev/sdc will be DESTROYED Press control-C to abort Format has started Format in progress, 5.85% done Format in progress, 12.10% done Format in progress, 18.75% done Format in progress, 25.00% done Format in progress, 31.64% done Format in progress, 37.89% done Format in progress, 44.53% done Format in progress, 50.78% done Format in progress, 57.42% done Format in progress, 63.67% done Format in progress, 70.31% done Format in progress, 77.34% done Format in progress, 84.37% done Format in progress, 91.79% done Format in progress, 99.21% done FORMAT CompleteA look at the format mode page again, and a cfdisk: root@Darc:~# sginfo -f -6 /dev/sdc Format Device mode page (0x3) ----------------------------- Tracks per Zone 5 Alternate sectors per zone 16 Alternate tracks per zone 0 Alternate tracks per lu 0 Sectors per track 108 Data bytes per physical sector 512 Interleave 1 Track skew factor 8 Cylinder skew factor 16 Supports Soft Sectoring 0 Supports Hard Sectoring 1 Removable Medium 0 Surface 0 root@Darc:~# cfdisk /dev/sdc gives FATAL ERROR: Cannot read disk driveAt this point I just did a reboot, actually I turned the system of then on, YMMV. root@Darc:~# cfdisk /dev/sdcGive us partition info, and we can then: root@Darc:~# mkfs /dev/sdc1The drive works fine now. Another link that was helpful was https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-sg_format/ |
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