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*Read Me/FAQ/General Info...
**What's not included:
All  information included  in  this  file can  be  referenced to  some
document or  picture.  Or at least  should be:-) As a  result of this,
proprietary chip sets, and odd combinations of different chip sets are
not  usually  included.   There  tends  to  be  scant  information  on
proprietary chip sets, i.e.  no  datasheet.  Similarly chip sets built
using some components  from one manufacture and some  from another are
kind of difficult to deal with.

An example  I know of  is a  25 MHz 386  DX motherboard that  uses the
Intel N82230/N82231  (formerly, ZyMOS)  286 chip  set, with  an AUStek
cache Controller.   I know it  existed but there is  no documentation.
So the best I can say you'll have  to take my word that it existed.  I
can't include it because there is no real information there.

Also  not  included  is  anything  that  isn't  a  PC-compatible  chip
set.  I.e.  no Macintosh  info.  Any Information  on PC-incompatibles/
pseudo-compatibles, and  other weirdi-type  stuff I have  a particular
interest in.  See  the section: 'Info needed on'.  Some information on
video  chip  sets  is  included,  occasionally but  the  focus  is  on
motherboard implementation.

**Who made the first chip set?...
**Spelling errors/mistyped words...
**Info needed on:...
**A note on VESA support of 486 chipsets....
*ACC Micro...
*AMD . . . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Chips & Technologies...
*Contaq  . . . . . [no datasheets, some info]...
*Efar Microsystems [no datasheets, some info]...
*Forex . . . . . . [List only, no datasheets found]...
**82450KX/GX  PCIset (Pentium Pro) KX/GX (Mars/Orion)         11/01/95
****82454KX/GX PCI Bridge (PB):...
****Memory Controller (MC) 82453KX/GX (DC), 82452KX/GX (DP), 82451KX/GX (MIC)
The MC consists of the 82453KX/GX DRAM Controller (DC), the 82452KX/GX
Data  Path  (DP),  and  four 82451KX/GX  Memory  Interface  Components
(MIC).  The combined  MC uses  one physical  load on  the  Pentium Pro
processor bus. The memory  configuration can be either non-interleaved
(450KX/GX), 2-way interleaved  (450KX/GX), or 4-way interleaved (450GX
only). Both  single-sided and double-sided SIMMs are  supported at 3.3
and 5 volts. DRAM technologies  of 512kx8, 1Mx4, 2Mx8, 4Mx4, 8Mx8, and
16Mx4 at speeds of 50ns, 60ns, 70ns, and 80ns can be used. The maximum
memory size is 4 Gbytes for the 4-way interleaved configuration (450GX
only),  1 Gbyte (2  Gbytes for  the 450GX)  for the  2-way interleaved
configuration,  and  512  Mbytes  (1  Gbyte for  the  450GX)  for  the
non-interleaved   configuration.  The   MC  provides   data  integrity
including ECC in the memory array,  and parity on the host bus control
signals. The 450GX also provides ECC  on the host data bus.  The MC is
PC compatible. All ISA and EISA regions are decoded and shadowed based
on  programmable configurations.  Regions above  1 Mbyte  with  size 1
Mbyte or larger that are not  mapped to memory may be reclaimed. Three
programmable memory gaps can be created. For the 450GX, two MCs can be
used in a system.

The Intel 450KX/GX PCIsets may  contain design defects or errors known
as errata. Current characterized errata are available upon request.

 This   document    describes   both   the    82454KX   and   82454GX
 PCIsets. Unshaded  areas describe features  common to the  450KX and
 450GX. Shaded  areas, like this  one, describe the  450GX operations
 that differ from the 450KX.

This  section  describes  the  MC functions  and  hardware  interfaces
including  the  Memory  and  I/O  Mapping, Host  Bus  Interface,  DRAM
Interface, and Clocks and Reset.

3.1 Memory and I/O Map
The  MC  provides  the  interface   between  the  host  bus  and  main
memory.   The   processor   memory   space  is   64   Gbytes   (36-bit
addressing). An MC  can control up to 1 Gbyte of  memory for the 450KX
and 4  Gbytes of memory for  the 450GX. The MC  registers that control
memory space access are:

o Programmable  Attribute Map  (PAM[6:0])  Registers. These  registers
  provide  Read Only,  Write Only,  and Read/Write  Disable  for fixed
  memory regions in the PC compatibility area.
o Video Buffer  Area Enable (VBA) Register. This  register enables the
  A0000–BFFFFh fixed region.

o Low  Memory Gap  (LMG) Register.  This  register defines  a hole  in
  memory located  from 1  to 4  Gbytes on any  1 Mbyte  boundary where
  accesses can be  directed to the PCI bus (via the  PB). The size can
  be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or  32 Mbytes. This gap must be located below the
  Memory Gap and  High Memory Gap.  The Low Memory Gap  is used by ISA
  devices such as LAN or linear frame buffers that are mapped into the
  ISA Extended region, or by any EISA or PCI device.

o Memory Gap  Registers (MG and  MGUA) Registers. These  two registers
  define a hole in  memory located from 1 to 64 Gbytes  on any 1 Mbyte
  boundary  where accesses can  be directed  to the  PCI bus  (via the
  PB). This gap (1, 2, 4, 8,16,  or 32 Mbytes in size) must be located
  above the  Low Memory Gap and  below the High Memory  Gap areas. The
  Memory  Gap  is used  by  ISA devices  (e.g.,  LAN  or linear  frame
  buffers) that  are mapped  into the ISA  Extended region, or  by any
  EISA or PCI device.

o High  Memory Gap Registers  (HMGSA and  HMGEA) Registers.  These two
  registers define  a gap in memory that  can be located from  1 to 64
  Gbytes on any 1 Mbyte boundary where accesses can be directed to the
  PCI  bus  (via  the  PB).  The  size  ranges  from  1  Mbyte  to  64
  Gbytes. This  gap must be located  above the Memory Gap  and the Low
  Memory Gap  areas. The High  Memory Gap provides  additional support
  for memory mapped I/O.

 • Base Address  (BASEADD) Register.   An 82453GX responds  to memory
   accesses between the address programmed into this register and the
   calculated top  of its memory  range (calculated top of  MC memory
   address =  base + memory size +  Low Memory Gap size  + Memory Gap
   size + High Memory Gap size). Note that the DRAM memory behind the
   memory gaps can be reclaimed.

o SMMRAM Range  (SMMR) Register and the SMMRAM  Enable (SMME) Register
  (Only  when SMMEM#  is asserted  by the  processor.). SM  memory can
  overlap  with memory  residing on  the host  bus or  memory normally
  residing on the  PCI bus. When the SM range  is enabled, SM accesses
  are  handled  by the  MC.  If the  SMMEM#  signal  is not  asserted,
  accesses to the  MC’s enabled SM Range are  ignored (this allows the
  SM memory to overlap with  memory normally residing on the host bus,
  since  the SMM Range  may also  be mapped  through another  MC range
  register). The RSMI# signal may be asserted in the Response Phase by
  a device in SMM power-down mode. The MC does not assert this signal.

o High BIOS (HBIOS) Register. The 64 Kbyte region from F0000–FFFFFh is
  treated as a single block and is normally Read/Write disabled in the
  MC(s) and Read/Write  enabled in the PB. After  power-on reset, this
  region is R/W enabled in the  PB (Compatibility PB only in the 450GX
  and R/W disabled  in the Auxiliary PB). Thus, the  PB can respond to
  fetches during system  initialization. The Read/Write attributes for
  this  region  may  be   used  in  conjunction  with  the  Read/Write
  attributes in the PB to "shadow" BIOS into RAM.

o I/O APIC Range (APICR) Register.  This register provides an I/O APIC
  configuration space. There is no I/O APIC in the PB or the MC.

o DRAM Row Limit (DRL) Registers. These registers define the upper and
  lower  addresses  for  each  DRAM  row and  represent  the  boundary
  addresses in 4 Mbyte granularity.

If a memory space access is in one of the above ranges, and that range
is  enabled for  memory  access,  the MC  claims  the transaction  and
becomes the response agent.

The MC performs memory recovery on gap ranges greater than or equal to
1 Mbyte  that are created by the  Low Memory Gap, Memory  Gap, and the
High Memory Gap areas. This memory is relocated to the top of the MC’s
memory. The MC  performs a subtraction of the size of  the hole in the
memory map to generate an effective memory address.

 For the 450GX,  the base address for  the MC that is not  MC #0 must
 include the size  of any memory gaps programmed  in the previous (or
 lower base address) MC.

 There can be up to two MCs  in a system permitting up to 8 Gbytes of
 system  main memory.  The portion  of the  processor’s  memory space
 controlled by an  MC is determined by the  Base Address Register and
 memory  size.  In  a PC  architecture, the  only restrictions  on MC
 placement are  that there be memory  starting at address  0 and that
 there be enough memory to operate a system. The MCs in a system need
 not have  contiguous address spaces. The  High Memory Gap  in one MC
 could be used to span the gap  between the top of its memory map and
 the base address of the other MC.

Note that  the PB  (Compatibility PB  in an 450GX  dual PB  system) is
responsible for claiming any unclaimed transactions on the host system
bus.  Therefore, any  memory space  access that  is above  the  top of
system main memory is claimed by the PB.

The MC has  two registers located in the  processor’s I/O space (0CF8h
and  0CFCh)  that are  used  to configure  the  MC.  See the  Register
Description section for details.

3.2 Host Bus Interface
The  Pentium  Pro  processor   bus  provides  an  efficient,  reliable
interconnect between  multiple Pentium Pro  processors and the  PB and
MC. The bus  provides 36 bits of address, 64  bits of data, protection
signals needed to  support data integrity, and the  control signals to
maintain a coherent shared memory in the presence of multiple caches.

The  Pentium  Pro  processor  bus  achieves  high  bus  efficiency  by
providing  support for multiple,  pipelined transactions  and deferred
replies.  A  single  Pentium  Pro   processor  may  have  up  to  four
transactions outstanding  at the same  time, and can be  configured to
support up to  eight transactions active on the  Pentium Pro processor
bus at  any one  time. The  MC supports up  to four  transactions that
target its  associated memory  space. The MC  contains read  and write
buffers for memory accesses.

AERR#.  An  AERR#  on  the  host  bus  stops  traffic  in  the  memory
controller. Reporting is done by the 82454 (PB).

BINIT#. A  BINIT# on the Host  bus resets the 450KX/GX  host bus state
machines. This  allows for logging  or recovery from  catastrophic bus
errors. Note  that during the last  clock of a BINIT#  pulse, ADS# may
not  be  asserted  as this  will  start  the  host bus  state  machine

3.3 DRAM Interface
In the following  discussion the term row refers to  the set of memory
devices that are  simultaneously selected by a RAS#  signal. A row may
be composed of  two or more single-sided SIMMs, or  one side (the same
side) from  two or more  double-sided SIMMs. An interleave  is 72-bits
wide  (64 data  bits  plus 8  bits of  ECC)  and requires  two 36  bit
SIMMs. The term page refers to  the data within a row that is selected
by a row address and is held active in the device waiting for a column
address to be asserted.

The MC interfaces the main memory DRAM to the host bus. For the 450KX,
two basic DRAM configurations  are supported—2-way interleaved (or 2:1
interleaved), and  non-interleaved (or 1:1 interleaved).  In the 2-way
and non-interleaved configurations,  a row is made up  of 4 SIMM sides
and 2 SIMM sides respectively. There can  be up to 1 Gbyte of DRAM for
a  2-way  interleaved configuration  and  512  Mbytes  of DRAM  for  a
non-interleaved configuration  as shown in  Table 22. The MC  is fully
configurable through the MC’s configuration registers.

 For the  450GX, three basic DRAM  configurations are supported—4-way
 interleaved    (4:1    interleaved),    2-way    interleaved,    and
 non-interleaved. In  the 4-way  interleaved configuration, a  row is
 made  up  of 8  36-bit  SIMM sides.  In  the  2-way interleaved  and
 non-interleaved configurations, a row is made up of 4 SIMM sides and
 2 SIMM sides respectively. There can be up to 4 Gbytes of DRAM for a
 4-way  interleaved configuration,  2Gbytes for  a  2-way interleaved
 configuration, and 1Gbyte for a non-interleaved configuration.

Configurations cannot  be mixed. The  MC does not support  portions of
the  memory   being  2-way   interleaved  and  other   portions  being
non-interleaved. The system does, however, support a 2-way interleaved
design  in   which  one  interleave   is  populated  (operates   as  a
non-interleaved  configuration).  There  is  no restriction  on  which
interleave  is   populated  (0  or   1)  to  form   a  non-interleaved
configuration, as long as all rows are populated in the same way.

 The 450GX  MC does  not support portions  of the memory  being 4-way
 interleaved  and  other  portions  being  non-interleaved  or  2-way
 interleaved.  The system  does, however,  support a  4-way  or 2-way
 interleaved design in which one interleave is populated (operates as
 a non-interleaved  configuration) or  a 4-way interleaved  design in
 which   two  interleaves   are  populated   (operates  as   a  2-way
 configuration).  There is  no restriction  on which  interleaves are
 populated   to   form  a   non-interleaved   or  2-way   interleaved
 configuration, as long as all rows are populated in the same way.

Table 22 [see datasheet] provides  a summary of the characteristics of
memory configurations  supported by  the 450KX/GX MC.   Minimum values
listed are  obtained with single-sided  SIMMs, and maximum  values are
obtained with doublesided SIMMs.

**Support Chips:
**82091AA     Advanced Interface Peripheral (AIP)                  c93...
**8289        Bus Arbiter (808x)                                   c79...
**82289       Bus Arbiter for iAPX 286 Processor Family            c83...
**82258       Advanced Direct Memory Access Coprocessor(ADMA) 01/01/84...
**82335       High-Integration Interface Device For 386SX      c:Nov88...
**82360SL     I/O Subsystem                                   10/05/90...
**82370       Integrated System Peripheral (for 82376)         c:Oct88...
**82371FB/SB  PCI ISA IDE Xcelerator 82371FB/82371SB (PIIX/3) 01/31/95...
**82371MX     Mobile PCI I/O IDE Xcelerator (MPIIX)           11/01/95...
**82371AB     PCI-TO-ISA / IDE Xcelerator 82371AB (PIIX4)     02/17/97...
**82374/82375 PCI-EISA Bridge (82374EB/82375EB, 374SB/375SB)   c:Mar93...
**82378       System I/O (SIO) (82378IB and 82378ZB)           c:Mar93...
**82379AB     System I/O-APIC (SIO.A)                           <Dec94...
**82380       32-bit DMA Controller w/ Integrated Peripherals 02/01/87...
**82380FB/AB  PCIset: 82380FB Mobile PCI-to-PCI Bridge(MPCI2) 02/17/97...
**82384       Clock Generator and Reset Interface                  c86...
**82385       32-bit Cache Controller for 80386               09/29/87...
**82385SX     32-bit Cache Controller for 80386SX             01/25/89...
**82395DX     High Performance Smart Cache                    06/18/90...
**82395SX     Smart Cache                                     12/17/90...
**82396SX     Smart Cache                                     12/17/90...
**82485       Turbo Cache (and 485Turbocache)                      c90...
**82489DX       Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller    10/12/92...
**82495DX/490DX DX CPU-Cache Chip Set                           <Sep91...
**82495XP/490XP Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for i860)       06/05/91...
**82496/491     Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for P5 Pentium) 03/22/93...
**82497/492   Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for P54 Pentium)    <Nov94...
**82498/493   Cache Controller / Cache RAM (for P54 Pentium)    <Nov94...
**Later chipsets (basic spec):
**440 series:...
**450NX  (?)            06/29/98:...
**?????  (Profusion)    c:99...
**800 series...
*HMC (Hulon Microelectronics)...
OPTi 82C200  - ChromaCast LCD-VGA chipset
OPTi 82C205  - LCD panel controller / scalar
OPTi 82C264  - 2D VGA controller
OPTi 82C265  - Video ????????????????????????????
OPTi 82C268  - Video ????????????????????????????
OPTi 82C611  - EIDE VLB
OPTi 82C621  - PCI-to-IDE controller
OPTi 82C621A - PCI-to-IDE controller 
OPTi 82C824  - FireFox PCI to PCMCIA Controller
OPTi 82C825  - FireBridge II PCI to PCMCIA Controller
OPTi 82C814  - Docking Station Controller for laptops (PCI-to-PCI bridge)
OPTi 82C842  - PCI-to-IEEE 1393 FireWire
OPTi 82C832  - ?????????????????????????????????????????
OPTi 82C861  - PCI-to-USB Bridge   c1997
OPTi 82C862  - PCI-to-USB Bridge 4x port
OPTi 82C863  - PCI-to-USB Bridge 2x port
OPTi 82C871  - PCI-to-USB Bridge + Sound Blaster compatibility and USB 2.0
OPTi 82C916  - Audio, ISA, serial CODEC) used in combination with Vendetta chipset 82C750
OPTi 82C924  - Audio, ISA
OPTi 82C925  - ISA Audio Controller (replaces the 924)
OPTi 82C928  - (MAD16) ISA Audio Controller (Emulates Sound Blaster Pro) c1993
OPTi 82C929  - (MAD16 Pro) ISA Audio Controller (Emulates Sound Blaster Pro) c1994
OPTi 82C930  - ISA Audio Controller (Emulates Sound Blaster Pro, AdLib)
OPTi 82C931  - ISA Audio controller (Emulates Sound Blaster Pro, AdLib)
OPTi 82C933  - Audio ?????????????????????????????
OPTi 82C935  - EV1935 ECTIVA MachOne PCI Audio
OPTi 82C941  - Wavetable chip, has something to do with 82C930
OPTi 82C950  - (MAD32) Audio/Modem controller (Emulates Sound Blaster Pro) c1994
OPTi 92C160  - Clock Generator for 92C168
OPTi 92C168  - LCD VGA controller c1993
OPTi 92C178  - LCD VGA controller with blt c1993
OPTi 92C264  - 2D VGA controller 


*PC CHIPS/Amptron/Atrend/ECS/Elpina/etc...
*TI (Texas Instruments)...
**VL82C311         SCAMP-DT                                          ?
**VL82C311L        SCAMP-DT 286                                      ?...
**VL82C312         SCAMP Power Management Unit (PMU)                 ?...
**VL82C315A        SCAMP II, Low-Power Notebook Chipset              ?...
**VL82C322A        SCAMP II, Power Management Unit (PMU)             ?...
**VL82C316         SCAMP II, PC/AT-Compatible System Controller      ?...
**VL82C323         SCAMP II, 5 Volt Power Management Unit (PMU)      ?...
**VL82C380         Single chip 386DX PC/AT Controller +on-chip cache ?...
**VL82C325             VL82C386SX System Cache controller            ?...
**VL82C335             VL82C386DX System Cache ctrl. [no d.sheet]    ?...
**VL82C315A/322A/3216  Kodiak 32-Bit Low-Voltage Chip Set            ?...
**VL82C420/144/146     SCAMP IV [no datasheet, some info]          c93...
**VL82C480         System/Cache/ISA bus Controller                   ?...
**VL82C481         System/Cache/ISA bus Controller                 c92...
**VL82C486         Single-Chip 486, SC486, Controller                ?...
**VL82C425         486 Cache controller                              ?...
**????????         Cheetah 486, PCI [no datasheet]                   ?...
**VL82C3216        Bus Expanding Controller Cache with write buffer  ?...
**VL82C521/522     Lynx/M                                            ?...
**VL82C530         Eagle Ð                                         c95...
**VL82C541/543     Lynx                                            c95...
**VL82C591/593     SuperCore 590                                   c94...
**VL82C594/596/597 Wildcat                                         c95...
**I/O Chips:
**VL82C106 Combination I/O chip                                      ?...
**VL82C107 SCAMP  Combination I/O chip                               ?...
**VL82C108 TOPCAT Combination I/O chip                               ?...
**VL82C110 Combination I/O chip                                      ?...
**VL82C113 SCAMP  Combination I/O chip                               ?...
**VL82C114 Combination I/O chip                                      ?...
**Video: ...
**Not sure if they actually exist...
*Western Digital...
*General Sources:...

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