; ; Confiuguration file for Computone intelliport AT8/AT16 ; ;By: Vezzuto E. and Brunero G. IVREA,18 February 1991 BOARD ID="CAT8000" NAME="Computone INTELLIPORT Multiport Serial Card" MFR="Computone Inc" CATEGORY="COM" LENGTH=330 COMMENTS=" \nThe Computone INTELLIPORT board requires the use of device drivers appropriate to your operating system for proper operation. Refer to the documentation for details" HELP=" Use the V)iew D)etailed by Slot mode to see Configuration Options. Then use E)dit Change R)esources for details." ; Initialization Information Block ;Memory Select Switch SWITCH(1)=8 STYPE=dip NAME="SW1" REVERSE=NO FACTORY=LOC(8-1) 00000011b ;IRQ Select jumpers JUMPER(1)=2 NAME="" JTYPE=PAIRED VERTICAL=NO REVERSE=YES LABEL=LOC(1 2) "3" "5" ;IRQ3 IRQ5 FACTORY=LOC(1 2) 00b JUMPER(2)=1 NAME="E1-E2" JTYPE=PAIRED LABEL=LOC(1) "E1-E2" VERTICAL=NO FACTORY=LOC(1) 1 ;Unica o prima piastra JUMPER(3)=4 NAME="" JTYPE=PAIRED VERTICAL=NO REVERSE=YES LABEL=LOC(1 2 3 4) "15" "12" "11" "10" ;IRQ15 IRQ12 IRQ11 IRQ10 FACTORY=LOC(1-4) 1000 ;Selezionato IRQ15 SOFTWARE(1)=" The Computone INTELLIPORT board requires the installation of a device driver appropriate to your operating system. Refer to the INTELLIPORT documentation for details." SOFTWARE(2)=" The Computone INTELLIPORT board can execute some enbedded self-test selected via dip-switch (SW1)" ; Function Statement Block FUNCTION="Intelliport eight/sixteen port controller" TYPE="COM,ASY" ;Configurazione nel caso che sia la prima o unica piastra nel systema CHOICE="FIRST CONFIGURED BOARD" COMBINE IRQ = 15 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 5 | 3 SHARE = NO ;L' interrupt non va condiviso con altre piastre INIT = JUMPER(3) LOC(1-4) 1000b | 0100b | 0010b |0001b|0000b|0000b INIT = JUMPER(1) LOC(1-2) 00b | 00b| 00b| 00b | 01b| 10b INIT = JUMPER(2) LOC(1) 1b | 1b| 1b| 1b | 1b| 1b ;possibili mappature di memoria LINK MEMORY = 128K ADDRESS = 080000h|084000h|088000h|08C000h|0A8000h|0AC000h|0B8000h|0BC000h| 0C0000h|0C4000h|0C8000h|0CC000h|0D0000h|0D4000h|0D8000h|0DC000h| 108000h|124000h|208000h|224000h|308000h|324000h|408000h|424000h| 508000h|524000h|608000h|624000h|708000h|724000h|808000h|824000h| 805000h|908000h|924000h|950000h|0A08000h|0A24000h|0A50000h| 0B08000h|0B24000h|0B50000h|0C08000h|0C24000h|0C50000h|0C8C000h| 0D08000h|0D24000h|0D50000h|0D8C000h|0E08000h|0E24000h|0E50000h| 0E8C000h|0EA8000h|0E54000h|0ECC000h|0F08000h|0F24000h|0F50000h| 0F8C000h|0FA8000h|0F54000h|0FCC000h MEMTYPE = OTH CACHE=NO INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(8-1) 00000000b - 00111111b ; configurazione come seconda o succesive piastre CHOICE="NEXT BOARDS " COMBINE IRQ = 15 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 5 | 3 SHARE = YES ;L'interrupt va condiviso con le altre INTELLIPORT INIT = JUMPER(3) LOC(1-4) 1000b | 0100b | 0010b |0001b|0000b|0000b INIT = JUMPER(1) LOC(1-2) 00b | 00b| 00b| 00b | 01b| 10b INIT = JUMPER(2) LOC(1) 0b | 0b| 0b| 0b | 0b| 0b ;possibili mappature della memoria LINK MEMORY = 128K ADDRESS = 080000h|084000h|088000h|08C000h|0A8000h|0AC000h|0B8000h|0BC000h| 0C0000h|0C4000h|0C8000h|0CC000h|0D0000h|0D4000h|0D8000h|0DC000h| 108000h|124000h|208000h|224000h|308000h|324000h|408000h|424000h| 508000h|524000h|608000h|624000h|708000h|724000h|808000h|824000h| 805000h|908000h|924000h|950000h|0A08000h|0A24000h|0A50000h| 0B08000h|0B24000h|0B50000h|0C08000h|0C24000h|0C50000h|0C8C000h| 0D08000h|0D24000h|0D50000h|0D8C000h|0E08000h|0E24000h|0E50000h| 0E8C000h|0EA8000h|0E54000h|0ECC000h|0F08000h|0F24000h|0F50000h| 0F8C000h|0FA8000h|0F54000h|0FCC000h MEMTYPE = OTH CACHE=NO INIT = SWITCH(1) LOC(8-1) 00000000b - 00111111b